Making your own stock is easy and uses up parts that would otherwise go to waste, I’ve made a couple of stocks now both turkey and chicken. This does tend to be around Christmas when you might have a whole turkey or chicken, but you can also collect the bones from thighs and wings, freezing until you have enough to make stock.
Once you have made the stock it’s easy enough to keep simply pour into ice-cube trays and then once frozen split out into freezer bags and keep in the freezer until required.
This isn’t and exact recipe more of a guide, you can add any vegetables and herbs you like, I tend to use up any that are past best but still usable.
- Chicken / Turkey carcass
- Water
- Onion
- Carrots
- Celery
- Herbs
- Salt and Pepper
- Put all of the ingredients in a large saucepan and bring to the boil, simmer for a nice long while I normally go for about an hour or so, until the water has taken on the flavours of the carcus and vegetables
- Strain the sock into a jug then divide between icecube trays or other suitable conainter
- Allow to cool then freeze
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