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Borz Racing Round Four

Borz Mates race round 4

Borz Racing, Round Phwoar – the Champs

So following on from round three in June, Borz racing mates race round three was held in September. Ellwood in the Forest of Dean saw the Borz out in force not racing for the rainbow strips, this time the champs were decided. The boys

The format was again made up of 4 stages, one rider on track at a time, timed with a good old fashioned stopwatch, no fancy timing chips here. Only having one rider at a time on track means the rest of the crew are free to support / heckle / offer advice, stop the use of perfectly legitimate cheat lines.


So this round was set around Ellwood in the Forest of Dean using some of the off piste trail the forest has to offer.

Stage 1: Sketchies (Blue Bell)
Stage 2: The Bridge
Stage 3: Sam’s 2
Stage 4: Cut & Shut

Borz Mates race round 4


As in rounds two and three the weather was definitely involved the rain had fallen with a vengeance overnight. The trails, which we had ridden in the week before had gone from dusty to slip and slide.

Practice again was a non stop loop of the stages, no sessioning and looking for cheeky lines, just a ride round for familiarisation on where to go. After a break for pop and cake it was race run time.

This round I was second in the start list so I had full heckle at the start but nothing at the end. Not sure whether this helped or not but to me I felt as if once “3,2,1,go!” I was racing. I managed to give my best, yes again I could have done better with hindsight, left of the brakes carried more speed…. However for me I got to the end of each of the four stages, feeling as if I had made the effort at least physically.

Again the day is more that racing, it’s all about having a good time and generally messing about on bikes


So surprise I didn’t finish last this time, probably for the best, as one guy was running having injured his shoulder and not being able to ride. I think had I not beaten him I may well of considered my options. So an acceptable result for me anyway and as I’ve said before I only go for the laughs and the photos.

Borz Racing - Mates Race

The series is set for a return in 2020, so the winter may well find me trying to find the flow I need to make up some time. I might have to see about some more coaching with Pro Ride MTB.

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